Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lent Accountability--

If it's on the internet it's forever, right? Capturing my intentions for my own personal accountability!

Screen capature from Failing Forward 
by John C Maxwell

Here we are another Ash Wednesday, the Palm Branches we waved as he entered Jerusalem on that fateful day have been burned so we can receive them as a cross smudged across our foreheads.  Today we begin the 40 day journey to Easter.  A time of denial and fasting for many which causes me to recall a Lenten study I participated in with the FUMC honorary "grandmas" back in the late 90's.  We dabbled with fasting from anything other than water from sunup to sundown each Friday for that particular Lent.  When we felt a hunger pang we were simply called to whisper a prayer of Thanksgiving for his long ago sacrifice. I was surprised by how energized I actually felt on Fridays.

This Lent, I won't be fasting on Fridays-weight loss surgery coupled with cardiomyopathy mean my body needs to be fueled for my health.  As I grew older I began to think of Lent as a time to take on new, positive habits in an effort to better my life.  I've been thinking about this a lot over the last few weeks in preparation for today and this is where I've settled....thirty minutes.  Each day devoting 30 minutes to each of the following:

  • Decluttering & organizing-I was on the road to success when I started a job.  My house shows it. By the end of Lent 30 minutes a day should have my downstairs completed and a good chunk of my sewing space completely user friendly!
  • Quilting-I go far to many days without touching fabric.  If I ever want to accomplish my "big goal" of creating quilts as a business I must touch fabric every day.
  • Cooking-I love to cook and find myself slipping into old habits when I'm tired from work. I would like to be intentional about meals out instead of it being an excuse for not planning better.
  • Gratitude-notes, texts, calls to family and friends.  Who doesn't love to get a note in the mail, a sweet text or a phone call? It only takes moments but the sunshine I spread just might make a difference, who knows...
  • Reading-in February, I lost myself to reading.  I'm a sucker for a good book and my friend Kathy introduced me to a series, Stillhouse Lake.  I read almost 2,000 pages in the month of February, SIX books.  I found myself staying up way too late and ignoring other things for my love of reading.  Not necessarily a bad thing unless it keeps you from doing what you need to do. (I will prioritize reading the book the leadership team at Health Fitness is reading and the one selected for book club in April.)

Friday, January 31, 2025

Time in a Bottle

Jim Croce, Time in a very first memory of this song was 1980.  My big brother, AKA my childhood hero, was getting married.  He and his lovely bride asked me, a barely ten year old little girl to sing this song for their wedding.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  The church was the HUGE new Baptist Church in Weatherford, Oklahoma and I was in awe of being in such a large, fancy church. I distinctly remember crying in the hall to my brother, I was filled with fear that somehow he wouldn't be my big brother anymore.  I was seated on the front row of that larger than life sanctuary where I continued to snivel with the occasional tear finding it's way down my face.  The time came and I was on-I don't really remember much about my big performance other than when it was over I burst into tears on my lonely pew.  

Here I am 45 years later and boy do I wish there were a way to save time in a bottle.  I recently re-entered the workforce with the best job (next to motherhood and being a wife) ever!  My job title is Membership Experience Specialist. My responsibilities are to give tours to associates who live locally and want to know about the Walton Family Whole Health and Fitness facility, tours to associates visiting from out of state or even another country, tours to folks that Walmart is working to recruit as future associates and to smile-visit with our members, be a keen observer of the members and recognize when one might need help or have a question. Striving to make their visit to our facility a truly positive experience. I'm there to help ensure they have a positive experience in our space.  *Pause*Notice*Choose, that's our mantra; the three days a week I step foot in that beautiful building as an employee, I Pause, inhale and breathe in the energy that WFWHF exudes.  I Notice the folks who have come to the building to be healthier, more fit, more whole.  I Choose to put on my power lipstick by L'Oreal along with my most genuine and welcoming smile and I feel supercharged with energy, vitality.  I recently asked my boss if coming into our facility ever gets old or feels "ho-hum" and she quickly responded with a hearty "NO!"

Last fall, I started working with a friend to declutter and organize our home.  After 20+ years of being a homeschool family, 12+ years of caregiving (the last 8 being super involved) our home had become a pit of disorganized chaos.  I was making really good progress the I got this wild hair to apply for a job.  My dearly loved hobby-quilting has pretty much fallen off my radar.  I'm currently spread between "Fred" and upstairs with my sewing and quilting things.  (When Anna moved out in 2014, Melissa moved in to Anna's room giving us Melissa's Room and Jessica's Room.  When we redid our bedroom last year, our bookshelves and pretty much everything but our bed were moved to Jessica's room since she was at college.  When she came home in the summer, she "moved" into Melissa's old room.  Then it was confusing because when we'd say "Jessica's room" did we mean Jessica's old room or the room she was currently inhabiting.  Jess and I started calling the room where she slept Fred-it drove Handsome crazy but it worked and made us giggle!)  My decluttering and organizing has *insert mental picture of an old time train slowly slowing down friend says just 30 minutes a day Dana...just thirty minutes.  Sounds easy, right?  Then there is Handsome who notices my kitchen has lost the extreme  empty look as my countertops have become somewhat cluttered again as he gently says, "you were doing so great wtih that decluttering thing, when are you going to get back to it?" I glance over at my table which looks like a cross between a pharmacy, egg carton factory and mail sorting facility and fight back the guilt and anxiety that can only be known by a woman who knows exactly the meaning of CHAOS.  

Yesteday I posted on Facebook, I'm always striving for authenticity and being real on Facebook, expressing that I'm tired and wondering how working Mom's do it.  I got serious, cute, funny and even a Frozen meme reminding me to "Let it go..." I loved them all!  The the last one...Sharla my standards are definitely NOT too high.  Just ask Handsome.  I just want to have the "ooomph" if you will to do it, and by it I mean continue decluttering/organizing, quilt, see my Mom uat least 3X a week, facilitate Sunday school, care for my animals-including bi-monthly dog food cooking sessions, attend some classes-specifically pilates reformer, read books, bake sourdough, cook meals AND not feel guilty enjoying my leisurely morning coffee.  Oooope, my phone just rang it was my dear friend Mary calling about P.E.O. along with serving as our Arkansas STAR Committee Chairman, I just agreed to serve two years as our local chapter president.  (I dearly love my P.E.O. sisters and I believe strongly in the projects they fund at the International, State and Community levels.) What I'm telling ya'll is I WANT TO DO IT ALL!!!! 

Time in a bottle.  Time management.  Efficiency.  That's what I need.  This year I turned into my parents and bought one of the GIANT year at a glance, laminated calendars and put in the hall by our bedroom.  Guess what?  Today is January 31 and it hasn't solved my time challenge.  Today, I'm battling my inner sloth.  Coffee, French toast, more coffee, text with my brother, a couple of Toast Yay's from my favorite Girl Scout, more coffee, some pork belly cooking while I type this post.  In the couple of hours it's taken to pound out these words I could have accomplished so many other things but there is something therapeutic about putting the proverbial pen to paper and letting thoughts, feelings, ideas swirl.  I'm trying to imagine what Lauren would tell me-gosh I really miss our time together. I'm human.  I'm not perfect.  There is no way to save time, no bottle that can capture it to save for another day.  Poor Jim, what foreshadowing in writing his song back in December 1970 having no idea he'd not get to watch his daughter grow up.  Heck, he barely got to know her before he was gone.  I wonder if she feels comfort in her Dad's words?  I bet she'd ask him give the words back and "save every day like a treasure and then again I'd spend them with you...."

I think that's my answer. Wake up every day.  *Pause*Notice*Choose what's important TODAY?  What is on my heart that is calling to me to complete for the day.  I'm indeed so crazy blessed and oh so lucky to have been home with our girls for all those years.  I'm indeed crazy blessed to have Handsome, our girls, my Mom, my family, my friends, my Sisters, my hobby, my job.  Today I've chosen to share with you. I'm choosing to go to work this evening, my normal day off, because my Boss offered me the opportunity to spend four blissful hours talking about Whole Health and Fitness to associates and their families who have been invited to our first open house.  Before I head that way I'll be sewing some borders onto a quilt for a friend so after work tomorrow I can get it on to my long arm.  Throw into the mix some calls, texts and snaps with my angel girls and some friends.  Life is good.  All the time.  I've got an incredible "cup"!

**oh and let's not forget that February 10 deadline for getting my MQG Quilt Con Swap in the mail to Canada, eh??


Monday, April 29, 2024

...where the wind comes sweeping down the plains!

 March 4th, I excitedly posted my Week 1 Pantone Color Challenge complete with some beautiful sunsets as my inspiration.  I quickly obtained the perfect peach fuzz tone fabric and put it on the back project shelf.  That shelf is kind of like a doomsday sentence because I got caught up in some other projects because the end of April was practically two months away.  Ha!  Suddenly I was caught up in the "I've got to get this done" panic because I knew I was headed out of town for the weekend.  Here is my official entry for the 2024 Challenge!

Let me share a little about my inspiration.  It's much deeper than just a picture, it's a core memory.  I grew up in western Oklahoma where it felt like you could see forever.  As an adult, my favorite view we referred to as Minco Hill (just south of Minco but before Pocassett), it takes my breath away every single time! My Dad taught me to drive that road when we'd head to visit my grandparents in Verden.  Later, my parents came to own the farm where my great-grandparents had lived and it included the old windmill. The view, the sunsets, the windmill-I knew these had to be represented. When I saw this picture on Facebook, shared by Gina Menzi Blakemore on the "Keep the Lights On-Save the Family Dairy" page, I knew I had found the perfect sky for my jacket! 

While I was in Oklahoma this weekend, I took a few minutes to stop by and visit with my Dad at his memorial bench at Theta Pond on the Oklahoma State University Campus.  I'm pretty sure he really would have liked this jacket!  My jacket back measures 24 X 16 and I'm calling it "Where the Wind Comes Sweeping Down the Plains".  I used a method I learned in a Shannon Brinkley Workshop.  I quilted using an Edge to Edge wheat design from Prostitcher.  I used a windmill embroidery from Grand Slam Designs. Thank you Sarah and Elizabeth for hosting this challenge and encouraging me create a special memory to wear!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Paradigm Shift

My favorite color has always been RED. Red is a bold color. To me, it's the color of bravery, honor, love and even strength.  Red had it all.  When planning our wedding it was easy to decide on the color red.

My least favorite color has always been yellow.  Yellow is a weak color.  To me, it's the color of sickness, mild and meek,  just blah. It seems to wash out and pale in comparison to my beloved red.

I remember my first brush with the color yellow.  My hero, my older brother, had been dating his high school sweetheart and proposed; they were planning their wedding.  She picked yellow.  Oh no!  I was only ten but I was sure this was a sign of disaster.  Yellow bridesmaids dresses and the cake lovingly baked and decorated by my mother was white and covered with daisies. Yuck and double yuck!  Somehow I made it through. (40+ years later they're still happily married with three kids and NINE grandkids!!)

Several years ago, my daughters were a part of the youth group at a local church. Of course they needed adult volunteers and I begrudgingly said yes to helping.  Somehow I found myself with a group of seventh and eighth grade girls.  One of the things I did was strive to really get to know these girls and of course I asked their favorite colors.  As we went around the room I heard many colors that were pleasing to my own personal preferances then one young lady replied with the dread "yellow." >>blech<< She was such a sweet girl with an incredible life story but she loved the color yellow.  For the life of me I just couldn't understand loving the color yellow. 

Then I found myself in 2018 & 2019. Adulting had gotten really hard. My parents were in the midst of their descent into #damndementia, Handsome was needing/having back surgery, I was traveling to DC with 27 teenagers then returning home to hernia surgery, my friend Tamara was diagnosed with and fighting a stage IV glioblastoma. One of the happiest, most perky, sassy fun loving friends was handed this dreadful diagnosis and guess what her favorite color was...that's right yucky yellow. (Imagine if you will my eyes are actually leaking as I type...) 

Visiting T in the hospital, we stopped at Walmart on the way and got shirts.
We used Duct tape to create "Team T" shirts!

Tamara was part of our group of moms lovingly known as the "Mom Squad." (This group was "legend" when I met them, they welcomed me with open hearts!) We became family because we all had kids who were members of the Ozark Youth Shooting Team.  This group is a little different than your other sports because from October through the end of July we spent our Tuesday evenings together.  In February (through the end of July) we added in spending all day together every Saturday.  We traveled together to competitions all over Arkansas and also traveled to New Mexico and Pennsylvania together.  We came to consider one another family.  When one of us hurt, we all hurt so when Tamara got sick, we all felt the sting.

The year Tamara spent fighting flew by quickly. I texted her most mornings with a "T-sky" you know those beautiful billowy white clouds on a canvas of first we would text a bit but it got to where she'd simply respond with a smile emoji, then a "y", then no response because her body wouldn't listen to her brain. I would visit with her and she would smile. I could see the love, faith and fight in her eyes. I would greet her with a gentle hand squeeze and before I would leave her another gentle hand squeeze and a kiss on her forehead. The last time I saw her, she didn't open her eyes...perhaps it was my imagination but when I told her I was going to give her a forehead kiss I believe I could see her slightly tilt her forehead toward me. A few days later, she was gone.

You know what wasn't gone?  That's right...the color yellow. I began to look at it differently. 

Yellow isn't the color of weakness, it's the color of quiet strength.

Yellow isn't the color of sickness, it's the color of fighting for health.

Yellow isn't mild, it's fierce, strong and healthy.

Yellow isn't meek, it's bold and unyielding; brave.

Yellow isn't blah, it's spirited and full of life.

I see yellow differently these days.  I've experienced a paradigm shift. When someone asks my favorite color I proudly tell them it's yellow. Not a day goes by without my thinking of our Sweet T.  When I see the beautiful clouds on that beautiful blue canvas in the sky, I know she is there.  The yellow cannas in my flowerbed and my yellow coffee mug remind me to be strong, fierce, brave and most of all full of life.  



Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Jesus thou art all compassion....

What's your favorite song??? There are so many to choose from but I'd have to say mine is...well if I had to narrow it down to my favorite, favorite I'd have to say "The Sound of Silence" by Disturbed.  But if you want to see some of my select favorites (including Banana Pancakes) you can visit my "Dead List" at Spotify- DanaAlexa Hope. Think back to being a teenager, heck still as an adult-we hear a song and we try to figure out the meaning behind it.  Sometimes we can find out exactly what the artist was meaning other times it's simply left up to what it makes us feel liks it means.

How about your favorite book???  Wow, I've read so many in my life but I think I'd have to select either "Option B" or "The Gift of Pain." I love reading books with friends and then discussing them.  It's incredible that when a group reads a book, there will be as many interpretations as there are people in the group.

My favorite movie happens to be "Shawshank Redemption." If you must ask why I don't know if we can even be friends!  Is it Tim Robbins, is it Morgan Freeman, is it the great line-"...get busy livin' or get busy dyin'," or perhaps it's the way Andy took punishment for what he didn't do then-well you'll have to watch the movie if you haven't!

My favorite color used to be red but it's drifted more to yellow.  My favorite shoes used to be Chacos but now it's my Birkenstocks. My favorite food changes depending on what I'm hungry for and my favorite drink is sometimes water but others I love a margarita with no salt.

All these things have a common thread-they are all open to interpretation.  My interpretation.  No one has the right to force me to like a song, book or movie or to get the same message from them.  Three major faiths share a belief in one God-Judism, Christianity and Islam all found their beginning in the Old Testament of the Bible.  They have many common threads but they've been woven by different interpretations (human interpretations of a book inspired by a diving God).

This week, my heart has really been with Texas and their ruling on abortion.  $10,000 reward for reporting an about $10K for every rapist you turn in?  I don't really want to debate whether abortion is right or wrong.  It's not an option I could imagine choosing but I don't feel it's right to take the safe option away from women who may want to choose abortion.  Compassion. That's all I have to say about that.

Church today spoke to me.  Keep in mind I don't know if how it spoke to me is what Heath had in mind. The things I share are the interpretations of me-not anyone else.

The highlights I quickly jotted down were:

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

All the Tea

Several months ago one of my Wednesday night girls came in and exclaimed "I've got so much tea!!!"  I had no idea what she was talking about but each week we start our small group with "happies & crappies," "glads & sads," "highs & lows" whatever you want to call it, we share about our week. The weeks went on and I kept hearing references about the "tea" or one of them saying, "spill the tea!" I finally asked and they giggled and groaned as they explained that "tea" was information and when one "spills" the tea they're telling it.  I've been sitting on some "tea" of my own, trying to decide the right time to "spill" or even if I should spill it at all. Time is slow right now so I thought perhaps spilling all the tea would be okay.

First thing every morning I put the kettle on to boil water for a hot cuppa tea.  I used to enjoy London Fog-Earl Grey tea with vanilla, stevia and cream-the perfect delight. I transitioned to plain Earl Grey then finally to English Breakfast, there is something soothing about wrapping my hand around the hot mug and breathing in the steam as I take that first sip in the mornings. It is a constant steady (hot tea in my live*laugh*love mug) in my otherwise chaotic life (a whirlwind of busy just like everyone else).  I changed my tea November 14, 2019 little did I know that day would prove to be a game changer in my life.

I've had a dysfunctional relationship with food my entire life. I remember in elementary school at picture time, not only was I tall and in the back with the boys but I was the "big" girl. I could never wear the cute clothes because they didn't make them in my size, I was wearing hand-me-downs from my sister (who was 8 years older)!  I was in junior high when my scale first showed the number 200, I cried but I didn't know how to make it stop.  Everyone made excuses--you're just big boned, you are really tall, you have such a pretty face, look at your beautiful hands.  Really?  My beautiful hands???  The summer before I turned 16, my mom took me to a "fat" doctor.  I don't remember his specialty, his name or anything else about him except a girl from my town was going also; it was a miserable failure that only made me feel worse about myself.

College turned into a real time of self loathing.  I went to a college 12 hours from home, there I learned to chug a beer, mix everclear with strawberry soda and totaled my car.  I returned to my parents home and was miserable.  Alcohol does not make you skinny and happy as a matter of fact, it makes you fat and miserable.  It makes you so miserable that you do dumb things for example, I rented an apartment, made arrangements to transfer with my job and didn't tell my parents until the day before I moved.  Needless to say I wasn't a very good daughter for a few years.  My college boss lives here in Bentonville, I bumped in to him and his wife a few weeks ago, we were reminiscing about our time in Weatherford.  I told him how much I appreciated him, Virginia, Carol, Rusty and the other managers who could have fired me (and several other college kids) more than once but they believed in what the future held for us...thank goodness!!  There is no telling how many young lives they impacted by them being good role models and encouraging us to be better persons. I "wanted" to lose weight but somehow the twice monthly, payday keg party seemed to only add to my scales number.

Then I met Handsome.  The guy who held my head out of the toilet when I was vomiting because I drank to much beer as he exclaimed, "you have to stop doing this or you're going to kill yourself."  A few weeks later he said the words that would change my life, "I want you to be the mother of my children..." he wanted to marry me.  Damaged, broken, fat, drinks too much, hates to wash dishes, dropped out of college, me.  Just like that, we were married the next year and my days of drinking too much and self loathing were gone.  Okay, the drinking was gone but the self loathing lurked, hiding in the shadows for many more years.  My weight stayed way too high but I was in love. I became a mom (gaining only 16 pounds while pregnant due to the urging of my doctor). I avoided the camera like the plague.  I still can't look at pictures from that time without cringing.  It didn't get any better with child number 2 or 3.

When Jess was a few years old I started seeing commercials for Metabolic Research Center, I signed on the dotted line.  I followed their very restrictive eating plan and drank my 5 >FIVE< high protein drinks every day.  I was the model client who consistently lost pounds and inches at every weigh in, I had my pictures in their lobby and I was interviewed with them by a local radio station for advertising.  I lost 100 pounds, I was still miserable. I was happy with how my body looked but they weren't happy with the number on the scale because it didn't meet their standard for my height, they wanted me to lose more, I wanted maintenance.  I quit.  I vowed I wouldn't gain it back.  I gained every ounce back and the weight brought friends.  It was awful!!!

Fast forward a few years-I became really good as pretending like everything is great but inside I was miserable.  I hated being around people because in my mind, where that self loathing is lurking, I was confident that EVERYONE looked at me as the fat lady, always the largest in the room.  But I've got a great personality and beautiful hands.....I'm miserable inside. I jumped onto another WOE (for those who aren't professional dieters that's Way of Eating), Paleo.  How lovely it was eating like a caveman-lots of bacon, butter, whole milk-no flour, no sugar, no processed foods.  I lost, people were noticing-I began to give into my cravings every now and thing I knew I was back in my fat clothes.

November 2019, I finally looked up Intermittant Fasting.  I had seen the word a few times but didn't really know what it meant.  My initial thought was those people must be crazy, some of them fast 72 hours at a time!  Who goes without eating that long???  Crazy people had to be the answer.  I finally reached out to a friend, a friend from those college days, you remember the keg party days...she led me to a group called Delay Don't Deny.  I bought the book and thanks to Amazon Prime it arrived in my mailbox two days later, I read it cover to cover.  It made sense.  It made more sense than all the diets I've tried.  It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.  It puts ME in control not food.

On November 14, I fasted for the very first time, sixteen whole hours.  It was easy.  I TOLD NO ONE. I didn't want my family to think, "great, Mom's on another wacky diet again....I wonder how long this will last."  Within a week I was fasting 18-20 hours a day. My family was noticing my eating behaviors had changed so I told them what I was doing.  I think Handsome was a little skeptical at first but I promised him it was safe and read him passages from Gin's book.  I became excited about food.  I tasted things I haven't tasted in years, I crave fruit, veggies and granola in yogurt.  I understand that food is a fuel to provide energy and nutrition because I can feel it working in my body.  I can feel it working in my body!!!

I have learned the difference between actual hunger and mental hunger.  I have picked up new phrases like, "my window isn't open but I'd love to take one of your cookies home to have with my dinner this evening."  My favorite is going out to eat with friends and ordering whatever suits my tastebuds from the menu then not being able to finish it because I now know what full feels like (it happens WAY before miserable).  I'm sleeping better at night.  I'm waking up more refreshed in the morning.  My inflammation has decreased.  My cholesterol has gone down and I've been able to reduce my medicine. I've become aware of the unhealthy relationship I had with food. The biggest benefit, my self loathing lurker is almost completely gone.  Am I still overweight?  Absolutely.  Will I ever weigh the government standard for my height, not likely. I'm morbidly obese.  I will be morbidly obese for a while, I didn't get here overnight.  My clothes have gotten a bit looser, my face and neck have more definition.

Here we are in this quarantine and I'm not stress eating which is something I have done my entire life!!  As a matter of fact I feel releived because food is something I can control right now. The occasional rumbles in my tummy aren't hunger they are my body using the fuel I gave it for dinner last night.  I have hesitated spilling the tea about my new relationship with food but when I woke up with "Loathing" from Wicked in my head this morning it felt like a sign.  It's time to kick the self loathing to the curb!!

A friend used the phrase, navigating the new (thanks Dana @ Dr. Deckers office) back before Christmas.  I wrote it down because I liked it so much.  Here I am at 50 living the crazy blessed life as I navigate the new ME!

(I now fast 20-23 hours a day.  I eat whatever I want!! If I'm going out with friends or family I simply adjust my time.  No guilt,  no shame,  no calories,  no macros just enjoying.  My body does the rest!)

Sunday, February 2, 2020


I was thirteen
when she died.
I know I knew her but I'm sad,
 because I didn't know her enough.

Grandma, top left in the dark. 
That's me in the middle.
I couldn't find another picture of
us together. 
There is not a single day that goes by without me thinking about her.  About the hot rolls she made and how she'd pinch the dough off in balls between her thumb and forefinger.  About the toaster she had that sat on a little red wooden stool in her kitchen and could toast SIX pieces of bread at the same time!  About the polyster blouses that buttoned up the front, well worn, with bold patterns. About the twinkle in her eye as she would throw her head back and laugh, a deep, whole body laugh that came from the depths of her soul.  About the meringue on her coconut cream pie that was at least a foot tall every time!  About her toes that were permanently crossed so she had to wear open toe sandles and the huge corns on her hard working feet. But most of all I think about the person she was, the magic that made her well, her.

Grandma was the "driver" in the family.  When I was a kid they would drive from Pocasset all the way to Weatherford to watch my brother play football, Grandma always behind the wheel of what I remember as a big yellow car!  She always had a headscarf and a pocket full of tissues; she was usually bringing something delicious to eat along with her.  I don't remember how old I was when she gave me a quilt she had made. It wasn't fancy and pieced but it was made with love.  The underside fabric was simply an off white cotton muslin and the top was printed-it looked like square pinwheels.  Rather than being quilted, it was tied with a heavy yarn.  My brother had one, my sister had one, my mom had one but mine was all mine.  Being the youngest in a penny pinching family during the early 70's having something that belonged just to me felt important!  (Kind of like the time I got to go by myself and spend the night with them, Grandma and Grandpa took me to Dairy Queen  in Chickasha.  I had french fries, a footloong chili cheese dog, a soda and of course a dipped ice cream cone!! I still remember the bright red slanted roof, the windows all around and how special it was to eat out at a restaurant!!)

My mom was born in 1937, a few years ago I took her on a "cemetery" tour.  We drove through the areas she had lived as a child and visited the graves of relatives long gone.  She told me about my Grandpa tending fields where straw was being grown for brooms, other fields where she had picked bowls of cotten until her fingers bled as a kid, the area by the river where they lived when she was born.  She wove stories together that day, so many stories!  One chord that rang through all her stories was one I had heard my entire life Grandma knew how she to make something from nothing.  She was one of the farm wives who turned feed sacks into clothing for her children, she knew how to stretch the food when times were hard so no ones belly went hungry.  She worked hard on the farm right alongside Grandpa and their kids.

Flash forward to 2012, my parents moved to our neighborhood.  Mom was spending more and more time with her sewing and embroidery machines.  A dear friend gave her a small quilt, when she showed it to Handsome, his response was "when are you making me one?"  She made him one all right, she made him a California King!!!  It was incredible.  After that, she was on fire and made quilts for all of her grandkids, great grandkids and six P.E.O. quilts!! In 2018, a dear friend was diagnosed with a stage IV glioblastoma-I collected fabric from our mutual friends because Mom said she'd make a quilt for "T."  What I didn't realize was that I would get to do all the cutting!!!  Like a strike from lightening bolt, I felt a connection.  I needed to quilt.

I've been in love with Cathedral window quilts for years!  Feeling the need to quilt but not really having a space to quilt or the time to spend cutting, piecing and sewing at a machine. I began to research how to make Cathedral windows, by handsewing.  In June, I finally made the decision to use black Moda grunge fabric for the window panes and scraps from Mom's quilts for the stained glass.  I currently have 60+ squares completed BY HAND.  I've begun machine sewing four squares together.  I'm currently "holding" on it until I get scraps.  But I've got it in writing that my goal is to have a throw size quilt completed from them by December!!

As fate would have it, my friend Shirley had a flat tire on the day of her quilt guild meeting.  The store was out of her size tire so she asked if I'd drive her.  Susan R Michael was the speaker that evening and she brought with her some of her work.  It was incredible (click on her name, go look, specifically "Circular Infinity").  The ladies in the guild were so nice, they have a "show & tell" time and their work was simply inspiring.  I knew that was where I was supposed to be!

Handsome got me a great sewing machine for my 50th birthday.  The ladies at Rogers Sewing Center were ah-mazing, Queen Ellen is happy in our home! (EverSewn Sparrow QE) On January 21st, I went to quilt guild without Shirley (she'd had surgery the week before) and I made a new friend.  I shared my goals with her.  As we said goodnight at the end of the meetings she looked at her watch and remarked, "It's early, you could go home and get your machine out of the box!"  Even with the desire, I hadn't taken the time to get it out of the box and set up to sew.  I went home and got "Queen Ellen" all ready to go!  On Thursday during Daisy's puppy school, I went to JoAnn's and got fat quarters so I could get started on The Ultimate Beginner Quilt!! I'm working on block six today!

Grandma's name on her birth certificate was Roxie Anna Hamit.  Everyone called her Jackie but I can remember some even calling her Jack. I have no idea why.  It's one of the questions I would ask her if I knew her...enough. With every cut, every piece, every stitch I feel her nearby and that is somehow enough.  This afternoon, I pulled out my quilt she made me as a kid.  It was a little more tattered around the edges but the sight of it made me smile throw my head back and laugh with Grandma's gleem in my eye.  You see while she didn't piece my quilt on the outside, there is a treasure hidden underneath and I can see it was a loved old quilt that had been done by hand.  Something from nothing. Well played, Grandma!